The distribution and publication of select Seven Seas titles will also give Tor an opportunity to become a flagship publisher of "light novels," a type of book new to American manga and genre-fiction fans. Through its relationship with Seven Seas, Tor makes an exciting entrance into the world of manga publishing manga, the Japanese version of comic books, is a publishing phenomenon that, in 2006, represented a $4.4 billion market in Japan and a $175-200 million market in the US. Tor Publisher Tom Doherty says of the partnership: "We are so pleased to be working with Seven Seas their mix of science fiction, fantasy, humor, romance, and adventure is an excellent complement to Tor’s bestselling and award-winning genre fiction publishing program."

Beginning with books scheduled for publication in early 2008, Tor will also be distributing new Seven Seas titles every month, under the Seven Seas imprint. The new Tor/Seven Seas imprint will showcase the efforts of both companies working together to jointly acquire and co-publish some of Japan’s best-selling and most exciting manga series, light novels, and other fiction.

Seven Seas, founded in 2004, publishes manga, manga-inspired novels, illustrated juvenile fiction, and more, and is one of the only publishers that produces original manga content in the US. NEW YORK, NY/12/6/07–Tor Books, an imprint of Tom Doherty Associates, LLC–the largest publisher of science fiction in the world–has formed a new manga imprint with Seven Seas Entertainment, LLC.