I won't attempt to expound on how to craft. If your goal is to earn more money, than read on. If you haven't been a crafter, it's unlikely you have searched the board for materials that do demand a higher profit margin. You can level gathering and collect stacks upon stacks of items, but not all gathered items demand a good price on the market. These are what limit you from capitalizing. Time and experience is the limiting variables for most of us. Of course you can make more money if you paid nothing for materials. you sell your shards on the MB, you buy a vendor item and relist it for a profit ect. You already found a quirk in the economy to make some money. You reason that your profits will be dramatically higher if you can gather all of your own materials. You want to be self-sufficient and think buying materials from the market board is a waste of money. You tell yourself you will level crafting after you grind out materials from gathering class. You think 300k is a solid amount of money because you rarely buy anything over 1k. Your gear is limited by what you pick up in dungeons and what is cheap on the MB. You have spent some time leveling your DOM and DOW classes but would like more money. These are marked with (I).Let me start this post by limiting the target audience. 'Ingenuity' means the levemete and the turn-in NPC are in separate areas.'Charity' means the leve can be turned in three times (also known as a repeatable leve).'Constancy' means both the levemete and turn-in NPC are in the same area.'Constancy', 'Charity', and 'Ingenuity' mark the type of leves these are.If the one listed isn't at the levemete you are currently at, check with the other one. Normal quality turn-in rewards are marked as NQ and high quality turn-in rewards are marked with HQ. You will receive double the base experience for HQ turn-ins. The list here is fairly straightforward, but there are some things that need to be explained: They are highlighted below so you can use this list to its utmost. There are three types of tradecraft leves available. If you're looking to set yourself some small goals and get huge chunks of experience, leve grinding is the way to go. Leves are the fastest way to level a tradecraft and provide gil and the odd amount of shards to boot.