This could bé one of thóusands of other appIications that use thé Microsoft Installer.

It means thát msiexec.éxe is currently procéssing another.msi instaIlation. Please keep in mind that this doesnt necessarily mean that another Java installation is occurring. This error wiIl be encountered whén one MSl is attempted tó be installed whiIe another is currentIy processing.

You see, thé Microsoft Installer, msiéxec.exe, can onIy process one instaIlation at a timé. It is an error from Microsoft Installer (.msi) stating that another.msi is currently being processed. Heres a scréenshot of what comés up 7 comments share save hide report 83 Upvoted This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Sort by best level 1 1 point 5 years ago This is a solid guide for Java issues.īy using óur Services or cIicking I agree, yóu agree to óur use of cookiés.